Meditate Upon Narayana
Surya Katha - the prayer
As the sun, which helps all eyes to see, is not affected by the blemishes of the eyes or of the external things revealed by it, so also the one Atman, dwelling in all beings, is never contaminated by the misery of the world, being outside it.
Sarla Nagar had written an essay on "Savitaa Devataa and Suurya Deva. It is published in our Omshanti journals - Summer 97 "The Dual Nature of the Sun God", pages 16,17.
What we see with our external eyes is Surya. What we can see only through our well-trained internal eyes is Savitaa Devataa—Suurya NaaraayaNa.
Meditate Upon Narayana - animation
Suurya Deva riding in a chariot driven by seven horses
Om Shanti Mandiram