The Grand Hindu Pantheon on Grand Canyon


They say: Even without asking one may get a pearl.

And yet one may not get alms even after begging.


Kumari Alaka of Om Shanti Mandiram and Alexandra Wayllace of Bolivia has prepared and presented a moving show of the Hindu Temples/Gods on Grand Canyon. It is really a moving show in every sense of the term.


It was many years ago, Sarla and I had seen a specific formation on Grand Canyon that looked like the Trimurti—Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It was a far fetched fantastic idea. Both of us had seen it, but did not dare to disclose this to another because it might have been seen as a laughable idea! This is called Self pride—false ego! But when we went to the nearest TouristCenter and Rest House, both of us saw a picture shining right on the bulletin board and testifying this very fantastic idea as a recognized reality. And both of us told each other: I had seen it and thought it so!


While working on OM, just about three years ago, an idea came to my mind to locate the very picture and share it with other members of OMGOD Group.


I went around with a begging bowl from pillar to post. By correspondence I knocked at the doors of regional libraries as well as offices of the tourists trade. It was all frustration and disappointment. Even those who were helped by me tremendously did not help although they could have helped if they wanted. Where there is a will there is a way.


Om wanted the things to happen in a different way. My inquiry and request reached the kind hands of Mr. Mike Buckheit, the Director of the Field Institute of Grand Canyon. He showered a series of marvelous photos on us. We wanted one. We got many. It was a grand blessing from OM: One God Universal. We are highly obliged to him for his interest and generosity. It is truly invigorating to correspond with him. Now we are sharing this rich treasure with OM devotees all over the world. We are happy OM has given us this opportunity to share these Marvels of the Nature with our friends of OMGOD group.


We see here in this show, created by means of ProShowGold, some mighty peaks   named as temples of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as well as the shrines of Rama and Krishna. There is one Inversion—peaks above, clouds below!


There is also a formation named as Vishnu Schist. It is the earliest foundational formation, a kind of base. This is really a remarkable phenomenon to realize.


Now Bhagavan Vishnu is not only the preserver of the world, but he as Na/-ra/-yan/.a is the creator of the creator as well! Brahma comes out of the naval of Vishnu. He is one of the Trimurti as well as the Supreme Lord.


Hindu mythology tells us that Bhagavan Vishnu incarnated Himself as the Tortoise—Ku/-rma/-vata/-ra to serve and function as the foundation—the fundamental base—to support the Serpent God (Shesha Naga) to bear and hold the earth. In other words, the earth rests on the Shesha Naga who rests on the Tortoise—Vishnu Bhagavan.


We invite an enterprising artist to paint this picture.


Before we close this short presentation, we would like to tell our readers that there is also a natural formation named as Hindu Amphitheater. We have not yet been able to get its photograph. Mike Buckheit tells us that it is very difficult to reach and photograph. May powerful OM make it possible some day.


OM Shanti. OMLN

The Saga of

Om Shanti Mandiram

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